Registration Error

Do you have an error preventing you from registering for a class? 

What error are you receiving? *
This should appear in the top right corner of the registration window.

You may be missing the course that is the prerequisite for this course. Be sure to check the prereqs before you try to register again.

You may not be a full-major or the correct classification in the program that you are trying to register for. Be sure you have met all the admission requirements before trying to register again.

This course likely needs approval from the instructor of the course or the department that offers the course. If you have that approval, attach it below. If you do not have approval, contact the appropriate channel. 

This restriction means the course is reserved for a specific major or minor. Double check the course restrictions to see if you fit the requirements. 

Major Acknowledgement *

*Please allow 7-10 business days to process your submitted form.