Change of Minor

Know what minor you want to change to or declare? Submit this form and we will make the change and email you once it is completed. 

Please submit a request form if you do not need an advisor to review the course requirements or prerequisites for your new minor.

With this form, you may add a minor, add a second minor, delete a minor or replace a minor. It is your responsibility to know how changes in curriculum will affect your degree, funding and timeline towards graduation. Your major may restrict which minors you can select, so your request may be denied.

If you have any questions about this decision, we strongly advise you meet with your academic advisor. You can schedule you advising appointment at 512.245.1932. A list of minors can be found on the TXST catalog website where it says undergraduate minors.

Major Acknowledgment *

*Please allow 7-10 business days to process your submitted form.